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Showing posts from January, 2015

Addition of Two Number in Jquery

Open Notepad and write the following Code !! <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US"> <head>     <title>HTML Tutorial</title>     <script src=""></script>     <script>         $(document).ready(function () {             var a = parseInt($('#txt1').val(), 10);             var b = parseInt($('#txt2').val(), 10);             $("#submit").on("click", function () {                 var sum = a + b;                 alert(sum);           ...

Cloud Computing

Introduction Cloud computing is internet-based computing whereby shared resources, software and information are provided to computers and other devices on-demand, like the electricity grid.   Cloud computing is a culmination of numerous attempts at large-scale computing with seamless access to virtually limitless resources. On-demand computing, utility computing, ubiquitous computing, autonomic computing, platform computing, edge computing, elastic computing and grid computing.   A number of characteristics define cloud data, applications services and infrastructure: Remotely   hosted : Services or data are hosted on a remote infrastructure. Ubiquitous : Services or data are available from anywhere. Commodified : The result is a utility computing model similar to traditional of traditional utilities, like gas and electricity; you pay for what you need!   Cloud Computing = Software as a Service + Platform as a Service + Infrastructure as a Service. ...

Swapping Using two variables

  static void Main(string[] args)         {             int a = 2;             int b = 3;             Console.WriteLine("Before Swapping Value of a= " + a.ToString());             Console.WriteLine("Before Swapping Value of b= " + b.ToString());             Console.WriteLine();             a = a ^ b;             b = a ^ b;             a = a ^ b;             Console.WriteLine("After Swapping Value of a= " + a.ToString());     ...

Create text file using Stream writer

Create text file using Stream writer